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Do you have experience with aortic stenosis or had aortic valve replacement?

Has anyone experienced aortic stenosis or had aortic valve replacement surgery?

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  1. My husband just had an angiogram yesterday, and was told that he has severe aortic stenosis. He will need a valve replacement. They are thinking open heart replacement because of his age (75). We are still numb from shock.

    1. Besides aortic stenosis, the most common congenital defect of the aortic valve is the bivalve aortic valve instead of tri-valve or tri-cusp. People who have this will have a murmur however diagnosis is after an echocardiogram not an EKG. Over the years this congenital defect forms an ascending aortic aneurysm and that aneurysm needs to be fixed first. The function of the valves is identified from the echocardiogram. No one is mentioning this

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