
Cardiovascular disease diagnosis

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure then Left bundle branch block and pulmonary hypertension about 11 years ago. A few months ago my heart began beating fast and hard with dizziness, weakness and nausea. I felt horrible like I was going to pass out. I'd take my blood pressure and then lay down til it passed. My blood pressure would be as low as 87/57. I went to the cardiologist who ordered stress tests, an Echo, and labs. The tests didn't show anything. A few weeks later I started hearing my pulse in my ear too and still having the other symptoms.

So I had a carotid artery ultrasound which showed some mild to moderate plaque in my carotid arteries. I began taking Crestor. Meanwhile my Rhuematologist said lupus and RA were under control. My PCP prescribed a medication for my stress and anxiety. I'm still experiencing mild symptoms from time to time. Apparently there has been no significant change in my left bundle branch block or pulmonary hypertension. I'm frustrated in understanding what is causing all this. Not to mention I've been battling a sinus problem for a year now.

ENT couldn't find anything other than severe dryness which is bad bc hey, I love being able to breathe, lol. Rinsed only help so much, can't take steroids forever or sinus sprays. My heart and lungs concern me the most of course. I'm just frustrated bc it affects my quality of life since I can only do so much.

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