yes thank you for responding to me. Here’s a kind of long answer to your question of do I have a fib and the shortanswer to that is yes. Here’s the long answer: have had a fib starting The first time about 14 or 15 years ago and at the time a cardiologist recommended I take low-dose aspirin, which I did, but after a while, it was causing too much bleeding showing up my arms and that didn’t sit well with me. so I didn’t take it anymore. I also sent an article that came out at the time about aspirin not being the best way to treat a fib. My doctor agreed so I stopped taking any medication. I thought that was the end of it but then last year I had a more major a fib situation and I spent the night in the ER , had a lot of tests done, and now I’m on medication for it. I have also read that a fib can show up more often when one gets older.In between those two bouts of AFib I experienced, I had short bouts of tacbycardia which actually started before I had that first bout of a fib. This would come and go. The first time it happened I thought it was because I had been drinking as I had been working as a camp nurse and every day as they had coffee available every morning which I did not do before but started to then. When I got home, I stopped the coffee. Shortly after I had some tachyacardia which started happening more often. That’s my longer a fib story. I’ve been on medication for over a year now and have not had any more tachycardia instances. I had one short incident shortly after I started taking it, but nothing sense.