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  1. Have micro vascular heart disease with coronary heart disease with atrial fib.

    1. Thanks for sharing with us. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, you seem to be dealing with a lot. How are you coping with your heart disease? Also what topics would you be interested in reading about and or learning about when it comes to your heart diseases? -Olivia

  2. I'm now 65, I was diagnosed w/Prostate Cancer in 2018 - just prior to that I was diagnosed w/Bradycardia & Mitral Prolapse/Regurgitation. During scans I do show a slight Aortic Stenosis. I look for all information regarding health and research that may help with my various diagnosis.

    1. Hi. Again. Sorry that you are also having to deal with prostrate cancer along with your heart conditions. I am not too familiar with prostrate cancer, although we are all about everything having to do with the heart and blood vessels. If there are any specific topics you would like to learn more about, please feel free to let us know anytime. And either myself or one of my fellow moderators/ team members will get back with you. Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

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